So the other day Dan comes home from a run and told me that if I was okay with it, he thought we should disconnect our cable...
...he went on to say how he realized how much time he spent watching TV, and most of all, how much time Jaxon watches US watch how he's going to follow our example. Plus, there are MUCH better things to be doing.
My initial thought was that I would think about it and see whether I thought I could live without TV or not. Then I realized that was a dumb idea - I knew it was the right choice to make - whether I would like it or not. was our first day with no cable! When we saw the cable guy in the driveway today we both kinda thought to ourselves "crap...what'd we do?" but really we know this is the right thing to do.
I think the 1st month will be hard because we'll have to change our habits. But after that I think we'll wish we'd done it sooner.
So, ladies...any suggestions on any good books I could read? Right now I'm reading Shepherding a Child's Heart and my next one will be Everyday Talk, but I'm thinking I could probably use some good fiction now that I won't be killing as much time watching tv. Too much non-fiction will make my brain hurt.